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$5,000,000 Ultimate Scratcher


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Official Va Lottery Page for $5,000,000 Ultimate Scratcher

Game End Date 2023-07-14

Prize Winner at Start Unclaimed Fraction of Winners Remaining Prize Improvement Score Estimated
Current Odds
Original Odds
$5000000 3.0 2.0 0.6667 1.0082 1 in 2,428,120 1 in 2,448,000
$20000 12.0 9.0 0.75 1.1342 1 in 539,582 1 in 612,000
$2000 60.0 39.0 0.65 0.983 1 in 124,519 1 in 122,400
$1000 432.0 292.0 0.6759 1.0222 1 in 16,631 1 in 17,000
$500 9188.0 6084.0 0.6622 1.0014 1 in 798 1 in 799
$200 275341.0 182070.0 0.6613 1.0 1 in 27 1 in 27
$100 183664.0 121555.0 0.6618 1.0 1 in 40 1 in 40
$60 275337.0 182333.0 0.6622 1.0 1 in 27 1 in 27
$50 734204.0 486440.0 0.6625 1.0 1 in 10 1 in 10
$30 1009455.0 669473.0 0.6632 1.0 1 in 7 1 in 7

Historical Game Claim Chart