2126 Scratcher image

Mega 777s Scratcher #


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Official Va Lottery Page for Mega 777s Scratcher #

Prize Winner at Start Unclaimed Fraction of Winners Remaining Prize Improvement Score Estimated
Current Odds
Original Odds
$777777 3.0 2.0 0.6667 1.1041 1 in 1,662,855 1 in 1,836,000
$5000 10.0 6.0 0.6 0.9937 1 in 554,285 1 in 550,800
$2000 45.0 28.0 0.6222 1.0305 1 in 118,775 1 in 122,400
$500 2289.0 1364.0 0.5959 0.9869 1 in 2,438 1 in 2,406
$200 4612.0 2791.0 0.6052 1.0023 1 in 1,192 1 in 1,194
$100 36685.0 22048.0 0.601 0.9954 1 in 151 1 in 150
$77 60426.0 36485.0 0.6038 1.0 1 in 91 1 in 91
$50 114531.0 68899.0 0.6016 1.0 1 in 48 1 in 48
$25 137489.0 82966.0 0.6034 1.0 1 in 40 1 in 40
$20 343778.0 207565.0 0.6038 1.0 1 in 16 1 in 16
$15 343778.0 208199.0 0.6056 1.0 1 in 16 1 in 16
$10 549734.0 333469.0 0.6066 1.0 1 in 10 1 in 10

Historical Game Claim Chart