2148 Scratcher image

50X The Money Scratcher #


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Official Va Lottery Page for 50X The Money Scratcher #

Prize Winner at Start Unclaimed Fraction of Winners Remaining Prize Improvement Score Estimated
Current Odds
Original Odds
$3000000 4.0 2.0 0.5 1.356 1 in 1,353,988 1 in 1,836,000
$200000 6.0 3.0 0.5 1.356 1 in 902,658 1 in 1,224,000
$20000 20.0 7.0 0.35 0.9492 1 in 386,854 1 in 367,200
$2000 80.0 35.0 0.4375 1.1865 1 in 77,371 1 in 91,800
$500 7087.0 2642.0 0.3728 1.011 1 in 1,025 1 in 1,036
$200 15195.0 5589.0 0.3678 0.9975 1 in 485 1 in 483
$100 315342.0 116277.0 0.3687 1.0 1 in 23 1 in 23
$50 272887.0 101057.0 0.3703 1.0 1 in 27 1 in 27
$40 333571.0 123815.0 0.3712 1.0 1 in 22 1 in 22
$30 363866.0 135917.0 0.3735 1.0 1 in 20 1 in 20
$25 363563.0 136054.0 0.3742 1.0 1 in 20 1 in 20
$20 728035.0 272859.0 0.3748 1.0 1 in 10 1 in 10

Historical Game Claim Chart