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$326,000,000 Fortune Scratcher #


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Official Va Lottery Page for $326,000,000 Fortune Scratcher #

Prize Winner at Start Unclaimed Fraction of Winners Remaining Prize Improvement Score Estimated
Current Odds
Original Odds
$5000000 3.0 1.0 0.3333 1.1215 1 in 2,473,797 1 in 2,774,400
$100000 12.0 3.0 0.25 0.8411 1 in 824,599 1 in 693,600
$10000 80.0 29.0 0.3625 1.2196 1 in 85,303 1 in 104,040
$5000 500.0 158.0 0.316 1.0632 1 in 15,657 1 in 16,646
$2500 1250.0 399.0 0.3192 1.074 1 in 6,200 1 in 6,659
$600 102410.0 30438.0 0.2972 1.0 1 in 81 1 in 81
$400 34120.0 10198.0 0.2989 1.0 1 in 244 1 in 244
$300 204939.0 60697.0 0.2962 1.0 1 in 41 1 in 41
$200 102308.0 30571.0 0.2988 1.0 1 in 81 1 in 81
$150 102280.0 30547.0 0.2987 1.0 1 in 81 1 in 81
$100 819032.0 244182.0 0.2981 1.0 1 in 10 1 in 10
$75 204937.0 61564.0 0.3004 1.0 1 in 41 1 in 41
$50 819032.0 245154.0 0.2993 1.0 1 in 10 1 in 10

Historical Game Claim Chart